New York terrorist attack : 8 people killed, 11 injured in truck attack | Oneindia News

2017-11-01 1

New York was hit by worst terror attack in which 8 people were killed and 11 injured since September 11, 2001 as a lone wolf extremist screaming "Allahu Akbar" used a pick-up truck to mow down cyclists along a bike path on Halloween. The attacker struck just a few blocks from the site of the World Trade Center memorial, running over afternoon riders on the path before reaching a road and ploughing into a school bus.He then jumped out of the truck wielding what turned out to be a pellet gun, and a paintball gun. He was chased and shot in the stomach by a police officer but survived and was arrested.The Argentinian government is “deeply shocked by the death of the compatriots and is working to help the relatives and friends of the victims,” the foreign ministry said, declining to indicate how many of its nationals had died.